The team have been overwhelmed after coming across eleven stories from people using Predictable provided via the CAYA program in Vancouver. It also speaks volumes of the work that CAYA do in supporting people with the tech they need.
The team spend hours designing the app, developing it and fixing bugs - ever mindful of the responsibility of maintaining an AAC app for people who rely on it on a daily basis. So reading how people are using it and hearing positive feedback is a great way to start a Monday! Please take some time to visit the CAYA website to read the stories from people who use Predictable: "Thank goodness I now have my ModelTalker ‘voice’ to use with the Predictable app on the mini iPad provided by CAYA." - Sara's story "Predictable knows what I want to say and helps me with my spelling. I am also using a fancy stylus which is easier than my finger to type. I use my iPad at my day program, at the doctor and a lot at my home. My house manager says that I talk more now and my confidence is better. I know I can talk to anyone. When I am tired, it’s Predictable all the way!" - Tim's story "The iPad with the Predictable program has been a lifeline for me and i could not imagine to be without it." - Karl's story "The CAYA team, Jan and Kathryn, set me up with “Predictable” on an iPad mini. I like the prediction and the speed I can type. It is great for presentations in class as I can save the whole thing or save it in parts." - Tyler's story " CAYA has provided me with more Boogie boards when I need them and the Predictable app for my iPad. Without these tools, communicating would be much more difficult for me." - Craig's story "I got an iPad with the Predictable app from CAYA. The first time I used the app, it was new and a little bit scary in that respect. It has been hard but slowly I’m getting used to it. Kim has really encouraged me to use it. With Predictable I was able to participate in a Council meeting. To communicate with my kids (aged 6 and 11) it has been a real help. It has definitely helped me to communicate with all people.I wish that I didn’t need this but having you guys around is a blessing. That is something from the heart and I am really glad you people are around to help out." - Norm's story "I now have an iPad with Predictable from CAYA and I am learning to email my family from Predictable and my family is sending emails and pictures to the iPad so I can stay in the loop!" - Carol's story "I now have the Predictable app, gifted to my iPad by CAYA. Predictable is fun, easy to use and works much better than the alphabet board to get attention! I can now get through to people!" - Susan's story "They outfitted me with an iPad Mini and “Predictable” with a keyboard. So I found that very successful, I’m able to talk and type and keep up with the conversation. I got the iPhone and they downloaded “Predictable” onto it, I use a stylus because my fingers are too fat to be effective when typing out a message.
It’s wonderful to be able to talk to family and loved ones and friends. You have a new sense of confidence when you go into the bank or go to the pharmacy and any time you deal with the public. It’s made a difference in my life. I have something that gives me confidence; it speaks for me." - Neil's story "Now, I use an iPad with the Predictable app, given to me by CAYA. Predictable helps me keep a great attitude. It helps me with confidence. I can see myself one day going back to volunteering.
Predictable has helped with personal relations as well. My good friend of 40 years calls every night at 9:30. Speaking is most difficult for me in the evening. One night, my voice was poor and I was not talking much. She said to me, “Obviously I should hang up. You don’t feel like talking.” Now, I use Predictable with her. She likes it and we can joke about how slow it is. I tell her, “It’s not slow; I am.”
It’s a great communication device with my husband as he travels for 3-4 weeks at a time for work and I can pre-program messages to use with him on the phone.
Prior to CAYA’s service, I was feeling desperate. This has changed my life." - Lorraine's story
"Gary was becoming ‘locked in his mind’. You can imagine the frustration and loneliness that results from not being able to talk with others. I can’t adequately express my gratitude to CAYA for providing a communication device, with the app “Predictable”. Now Gary is able to connect with his family, his friends and the community at large. He is able to retain his independence, make choices for himself, express his views, and basically ‘share’ himself with others. For me, his spouse, this gift has been priceless. I know my time with Gary is limited, so I value each hour, each day that I am able to be with him. I so appreciate being able to hear his thoughts and laugh with him again. Thanks CAYA for providing this service….it’s made such an enormous difference." - Gary and Irene's story